Petra Volčková
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Business Lease Slovakia achieved exceptional results in AutoBinck Group

The company acquired above-average score in employee satisfaction survey of AutoBinck group of which it is a member. “It has huge importance for us” emphasises Lucia Čišková, Executive Director of Business Lease Slovakia.Business Lease Slovakia, provider of comprehensive mobility and operative leasing has acquired above-average results in employee satisfaction survey conducted by AutoBinck, an international group among its 24 companies. The survey was conducted among across all three divisions of the group in 24 companies operating in 7 European countries. The group conducts the survey once in every four years. The total number of employees of AutoBinck Group interviewed in the survey was 1 102.When it comes to Business Lease in Slovakia, I regard employee satisfaction as key. This is one of the reasons why this year’s survey is of exceptional importance notes Executive Director of Business Lease Slovakia Lucia Čišková on this year’s results. Key satisfactionIn the survey, employees were answering various questions concerning their satisfaction with work they are performing, the company for which they work, including the questions on recommending their employer to others, satisfaction with work conditions, environment, colleagues, efficiency of work, career improvement, leadership by the management or the strategy that the company and its management pursue.“I was most surprised by two partial results: All our teams scored above-average in comparison with other 24 companies of the group. And I was very much delighted by our eNPS (employer Net Promoter Score), where we achieved 66.7 points which bears witness to the fact that our people take pride in working for Business Lease and spread positive word of mouth. Overall, we ended as fourth in eNPS from all 24 companies in the group. As much as 97.4 % employees feel to be an integral part of the company, they support our corporate objectives and want to continue working here, which is great indeedemphasises Lucia Čišková. The theory of eNPS says that any result over 50 points is regarded as excellent and predicts double-digit growth for the given company, she adds.Open communication and trustLucia Čišková, who has been the company manager since January 2018 and celebrates ten years in automotive business set two key goals for this year: fulfilment of the business plan and employee satisfaction. “I submitted all the other objectives to these two key goals. I am convinced that when an employee is really satisfied in the company he or she is able to deliver an almost super-human performance which has a direct impact on financial results of the company as well as customer satisfaction. I am truly glad that this conviction of mine has also been confirmed by the figures and our satisfaction survey brought results that even exceed my expectations”, explains Lucia Čišková.Corporate culture in Business Lease Slovakia includes mainly open communication, trust and feedback. “This makes it suitable to address the issue of satisfaction or dissatisfaction as often as it is possible. Whether it’s within the scope of corporate townhall meetings, teambuilding events, individual meetings with employees or just like that – while sitting with a cup of coffee in the kitchen or at the balcony” points out the Executive Director. This is yet another reason as she says for her to try to create an environment where people can talk openly on daily basis about the things in the company which are good and those that need improvement. The ability to actively listen to your people, understand them and support their ideas and suggestions is a great key to successemphasises Lucia Čišková.In a year-on-year comparison, there has been improvement across the full range of questions and areas evaluated by employees of Business Lease Slovakia. The questions also comprise the quality of work environment, inspiration, career growth and improvement as well as the above-mentioned recommendation of the company to their friends and relatives.It is a challenge for Business Lease to maintain such an excellent score. The survey also showed us priorities on which we need to focus more. In our action plans, we have now included areas such as support in the times of change, trust in the management team, continued appreciation of people as well as providing support in work-life balance,“ concludes Executive Director of Business Lease Slovakia.ContactBusiness Lease Slovakia s.r.o, Twin City Tower, Mlynské Nivy 10, 821 09, tel.: +421 2 5810 3860, www.businesslease.skAbout Business Lease Business Lease Slovakia is a member of Business Lease Group. It is located in Bratislava with a branch in Košice. Business Lease Group provides operative leasing through its daughter companies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Romania. Business Lease Group is a division of AutoBinck Group ( Business Lease Slovakia was established in 1998 in Bratislava and is a 100% daughter company of Business Lease Group B.V. Strong local partnerships with a network of preferred suppliers enable us to deliver a full range of services in demand. Moreover, we support the concept of corporate social responsibility, mobility, innovation and sustainable development as well as growing of customer relations. Along with larger international customers we provide services to small and medium-sized enterprises delivering tailor-made service packages.About AutoBinck Group AutoBinck Group is an international company headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands. AutoBinck Group has been operating in the market since 1907 and represents one of the leading players in the sphere of providing mobility across Europe, with activities spanning across three divisions comprising 24 companies in eight European countries. In total, AutoBinck Group employs 1 102 professionals with annual turnover reaching €985 million

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